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Database Management Systems

Dharma/SQL Access

Dharma Systems, Inc.

Dharma/SQL Access provides an Structured Query Language (SQL) interfacefor any proprietary (non-SQL) Data Base Management (DBMS). SQL has becomethe de facto standard for database access and interoperability. TheDharma SQL Product Family enables interoperability between anyproprietary DBMS and relational database such as Oracle and Sybase, andthird-party database front-end tools to work on any proprietary DBMS.Vendors and end-users of Proprietary DBMS technology can enter themainstream of open database computing. Performance, functionally, andcost structures of the proprietary database environment are alsopreserved. Dharma/SQL Access is designed to be independent of theoperating system and is portable across DBMSs. Porting to a proprietaryDBMS involves the completion of templated stubs which implement thestorage interfaces on a particular storage abstraction. The cleandesign, coupled with the well-defined storage interface, minimizes thecomplexity of developing the stubs.Dharma/SQL Access provides three user level SQL interfaces; namely anInteractive SQL processor (ISQL), an Embedded SQL pre-processor (ESQL),and a SQL Application Programmatic Interface (API). The ISQL toolaccepts ad hoc queries from users and reports the results of the query ina user-defined format. The ESQL pre-processor allows large databaseapplications to be developed in the C language with embedded SQLstatements. The SQL API allows third-party front-end tools developers todevelop SQL drivers to enable their tools to run on the proprietary DBMS.Dharma/SQL Access specifies four sets of storage interfaces. These needto be implemented for SQL Access to work on a specific DBMS environment.The four interfaces are related with table/tuple, index/hash, data type,and transaction management. The Dharma Access technology does not makeany assumptions of the database storage formats, database storage types,database access mechanisms and/or the database dictionary formats; thuspreserving its independence of the DBMS storage implementation.Dharma/SQL Access has been designed for conformance with ANSI SQL Level 2and for Oracle compatibility. Dharma/SQL Access also conforms to theNational Institute of Standards Technology (NIST) FIPS 127-1, both at theinteractive and embedded SQL levels. Dharma's Access technology willconform to future standards including ANSI SQL92, ANSI SQL III, and theSQL Access Group.Dharma/SQL Access has been designed for high performance transactionenvironments. Dharma's Access software caches information extensively toprovide high transaction throughput, including relational algebra trees,data dictionary trees, data dictionary values, and authorization values.The caching and reuse of relational algebra trees improves the executionof SQL statements by four to five times, since the overhead of parsingand optimization does not occur each time a SQL statement is executed.Dharma/SQL Access is implemented in C++ using object-orientedmethodology. This significantly improves the extensibility andmaintainability of the system. The systems is divided internally intowell-defined modules, namely the parser, optimizer, executor, datadictionary, authorization, and data type managers. The modularity allowsa module to be enhanced without effecting the rest of the system. Thesystem provides a structured environment for adding new scalar andaggregate SQL functions.

Language: C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Dharma Systems, Inc.
15 Trafalgar Sq
Nashua, NH 03063
Phone: (603) 886-1400
Fax: (603) 883-6904